KenKen X² Mai
With over 500 wedding hosting experiences, KenKen is always passionate to help you planning an ideal wedding.KenKen has special multi-language skills, with the combination of Cantonese, Mandarin and English, your family and guests can totally get involved on your big day! Your wedding day represents responsibility and trust to us , we will try our best to prepare a memorable day for you.
超過500場的婚宴,10年的磨練,麥翔雄一直堅信要為每一對 新人帶來讓他們最難忘的婚宴。如果新人需要一位三語主持人,麥翔雄的國粵英語言轉換,將會為你解決婚宴上不同客人的語言要求。每一對新人最重要的一天,對於主持人來說是一份責任,也是一份信任。我們將會竭盡全力,為你們的婚宴作出最誠意的準備。

Johnny Lam
Having a memorable wedding isn't necessarily about having the prettiest venue or the most extravagant decorations, it's about the newlyweds (and the guests) being able to enjoy every moment of the wedding. Whether it is a funny love story or an emotional heartfelt journey between the couple, Johnny is dedicated to bring out the best of each moment and create an atmosphere that's unforgettable. Johnny is fluent in English and Cantonese, and he is conversational in Mandarin. Also as a certified officiant, Johnny has officiated many ceremonies as well as hosted numerous receptions together.
在Johnny 的角度來看,一個難忘的婚宴並非一定要有最好的場地,又或是最奢華的裝飾; 最重要的是,新人和他們的賓客們能夠享受婚宴上的每一分每一秒。無論新人們的愛情故事是簡單或有趣,動人或情深,作為一個專業的主持人,Johnny會盡力為新人們營造合適的氣氛,讓每一對新人留下感動而難忘的時刻。Johnny擁有豐富的主持經驗,他亦是一位受認證的證婚人,擅長使用流利的英語和粵語主持結婚儀式及結婚晚宴,同時也能應用基本國語對話。

Jason Kei
Riding off of his success from multiple singing competitions including Singtao and ETTV America’s acclaimed contests, Jason has pursued a singing career professionally at various live events. The opportunity struck where he was able to transition from just a live performer, to what is now 6 years and hundreds of MC, officiantion, and live singing performance experiences under his belt. Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, inquire about his Singing/Live Band/MC Hosting package!
經過各大小歌唱比賽如全美的東森新人王和中國好聲音美洲決賽, 或北加州的 i-Sing與星島樂壇新勢力的到名次與洗禮後, 正式從業和活躍於各種歌唱表演. 6年前機緣巧合下從歌唱表演擴展到主持/主婚人的職責, 到現在有幸為數百場不同大小規模的活動效力. 精通於國粵英3語, 有意者可以徵詢Jason提供的主持/歌唱表演套餐啊!

As a romantic, Angel has always believed in the meaning of ritual in life. It can restrict the spiritual connotation for every ordinary day and action. As a trilingual host in Chinese, Cantonese, and English, Angel has vibrant experience dealing with new people from different regions and cultural backgrounds. The combination of gentleness, humor, and liveliness, creating a warm and loving atmosphere, is her most significant advantage. She is also a certified officiant.

A Wedding is a testimony to the sweet marriage of a couple and the one day you want to be perfect. Jane is good at creating a warm and touching atmosphere for everyone with her lively hosting style, thus bringing a romantic touch to this special day. Jane has a wealth of experience in hosting various functions. She is proficient in Chinese, Cantonese, and English. She is also a certified marriage officiant. To be trusted to host the most important day in your life, Jane will not disappoint.

“I Do” not only symbolizes the beginning of a lifetime promise, but also carries all the obstacles behind every couple to get to where they are today. Amanda is touched by every special moment during each wedding, and that is one of the reasons why she chose to become a certified officiant and wedding emcee. An occupation to witness the unity of a couple is probably an occupation that is closest to the feeling of happiness and joy. Amanda can understand, write, and speak fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin. With her positive energy and naturally bubbly personality, she can easily create a lively atmosphere filled with laughter. She will also patiently connect with you on a personal level, understanding your vision, preferences, and cultural needs because she understands that every wedding is unique. Weddings are one of the most important occasions in a lifetime, and Amanda wants to take part in making every dream wedding a reality with her wedding planning skills, knowledge, past experience, and professionalism.
”我願意“這三個字的意義,除了是代表結下山盟海誓的開始,也代表著一對新人携手登上幸福婚禮殿堂的开始。Amanda總能被每一場婚禮的瞬間感動到,而這也是為什麼她選擇當婚禮證婚人和主持人。能夠見證每一對新人結合的職業,大概是離幸福最接近的職業了。從小就移民到美國的Amanda,精通流利的英文,也保持了粵語和國語的精准說讀能力。天生活潑,開朗,有活力的她,總能為每一場婚宴營造出活躍和充滿笑聲的氣氛。每一場婚禮都是獨一無二的,所以Amanda會從各方面耐心地去了解你的品味和需求。 她知道婚禮是人生一場很重要的盛典,她會利用她過去策劃婚宴的經驗和知識,協助每一對新人實現專屬他們的婚禮。

“Purveyor of warm, touching and a feel-good atmosphere.”
That’s how Tarragon describes himself as a DJ. Looking around, catching the feeling of the moments with his musical selections, this is how Tarragon doing his job. Having grown up on 90’s movie theme songs and romantic music, all which makes Tarragon has a good music selection for every moments of your wedding.
“For me, as a wedding DJ is all about mood and a touching moment… playing those tracks that get you feeling love or loved ,a moment likes a movie scene without you realizing, falling with it"
美麗動人的新娘,英俊瀟灑新郎,感動的一天,華麗的場地加上一流的主持,能令你最喜悅的一天錦上添花。我身為 XX Event Production 的婚禮DJ 總監,配合上主持人、以音樂帶動著全場的氣氛。由進場、cake cutting至first dance ,我都會協助新人們選擇出屬於你們感覺的歌,務求令婚宴上的一對新人,在場的賓客留下一個難忘的印象。

If quitar and bass are one of the best combo in band, so do wedding emcee/ DJ team with the newly wed during wedding. And Roy Chan is who you need for your wedding. Roy started out as emcee by helping his brother and sisters at church few years back. Even tho he was inexperienced but he instantly fell in love of the wedding and ceremony atmosphere. Therefore he joined xxeventproductions and learned various techniques to become a professional emcee and DJ. He shall provide you a very memorable Wedding. Roy also fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin and he is a licensed officiant as well. So please feel free to contact him for any inquiries.
如果”豆漿油條”是絕配, 那麼在婚禮上一對新人和司儀DJ團隊就必定會配上加配. 而陳啟洋(Roy )就絕對是您的好幫手。他的職業生涯是在數年前在教會的兄弟姊妹起鬨之下開始的。因為他自認搞笑和厚臉皮所以就當起了主持人和DJ。自那時候,就漸漸培養了對婚禮行業的濃厚興趣。當中也會跟團隊的成員請教和觀察,務必要做到 熱鬧,開心和專業。陳啟洋(Roy )也是加州注冊的證緍人。更加精通國語,粵語和英文。所以有需要的話就隨時可以找他!

Nice to meet you! My name is Tony, I always hold the belief that the most highlighted and beautiful moment in our life would be our wedding day, which will be become the most precious memory for us in the future. Therefore, a perfect wedding requires the collaboration of talents from different areas. Born in Guangzhou and moved to the U.S. after my college, I'm honored to join XX event production as a wedding DJ. Although we are facing enormous difficulties in the coming 2022, I still believe that we'll overcome these challenges and present an unforgettable experience and precious memory to our newlywed and all of our guests.
樂觀,自信,愛,你們好,我是歐陽宇通。我相信婚禮於一對新人來說是人生中最為高光和美好的時刻,值得在往後的日子細細品味。一場完美的婚禮,自然少不了各方面人才的群策群力。自小在廣州成長的我有著廣泛的興趣愛好和對音樂的熱誠,來到美國之後有幸加入 xx event production 團隊成為一員。來到 2022 年,我們也會面臨不同的挑戰,也許面前困難重重,但我依然相信有情人終成眷屬,一定會組成一個美滿而幸福的家庭。我會至誠為每一對新人在婚禮中,用屬於他們的音符點亮每一個環節,用屬於他們的樂句打造專屬的盛典,用一段段高潮跌宕的樂章譜寫新人和每一位蒞臨的賓客難以忘懷的美好回憶。

A memorable wedding comes not only from the best quality, but also from excellent services. Susan is passionate about providing a newlywed’s unforgettable wedding. With her experiences, she will help you coordinate the best moments of your ideal wedding. She is fluent in multi-languages of English, Cantonese and Mandarin, which can assure your families and friends will enjoy the best time at the wedding events! Inquire about us for any questions!
一場難忘的婚禮不僅來自最好的品質,更來自於優質的服務。 Susan熱衷於為新人提供最難忘的婚禮。 憑藉她的經驗,她將會協助為你呈獻婚禮最美的每一個環節。 她精通英語、粵語和普通話多種語言,確保你的家人和朋友在婚禮中享受最美好的時光! 如有任何問題,請諮詢我們!

Jason Su
Jason Su is mainly responsible for DJ work in the team. Since joining X2, He has participated in various weddings in different environments and has rich DJ experience. He is good at adjusting the activity atmosphere according to customers' preferences, to give customers a happy and solemn wedding experience. The details of a wedding are very important to Jason, because the most touching moments are often hidden in the details. Jason is more than happy to work with the couple to design these little details to make the whole wedding memorable.
Jason Su,主要負責團隊中的DJ工作。加入X2以來,參與多種不同環境的婚禮,DJ經驗豐富。擅長按照客戶的喜好來調整現場的活動氛圍,給到客戶一種輕鬆愉快又不失莊重的婚禮體驗。婚禮中的細節對Jason來說至關重要,因為往往最打動人的瞬間都藏在細節裡。 Jason十分樂意與新人一起設計這些小細節,讓整個婚禮令人印象深刻。